Презентації докладів

  1. The memory of Academician V.M.Shulga, the chair of SOC of the Gamow conferences from 2012 to 2022 (V.V.Zakharenko)
  2. “Atom interferometry to search for gravitational waves and dark matter” John Ellis (King’s College London, UK and CERN, Switzerland)
  3. “The birth of modern cosmology” Massimo Capaccioli (Naples University Federico II, Italy)
  4. “N-body simulation of the cosmic screening effect” Alexander Zhuk (ONU, Odesa, Ukraine and CASUS, Görlitz, Germany)
  5. “Do astronomical observations rule out the possibility of an anisotropic Big Bang?” Serge Parnovsky (KNU, Kyiv, Ukraine and University of Geneva, Switzerland)
  6. “How predictive are the cosmological theories?” Viatcheslav Mukhanov (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)
  7. “Scalarized black holes in alternative gravities” Jutta Kunz (University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany)
  8. “Scalar fields and f(R) gravity in isolated spherically symmetric configurations” Valery Zhdanov, Yuri Shtanov, Oleksandr Stashko (KNU, Kyiv, Ukraine; Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine; Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Princeton University, Princeton, USA)
  9. “Telescopes from the ground and from space to discover and characterize alien worlds” Roberto Ragazzoni (Astronomical observatory of Padova, Italy)
  10. “The assembly history of galaxies in a cluster environment” Enrichetta Iodice (Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory in Naples, Italy)
  11. “Extreme solar eruptive events: rare and dangerous” Ilya Usoskin (University of Oulu, Finland)
  12. “New telescopes and our understanding of the Universe”Alexandr Yushchenko, Jeong Y., Yushchenko V., Demessinova A., Jeong K.S. (Astrocamp Contents Research Institute, Korea; Astronomical Observatory, Odesa National University, Ukraine; Department of History, Sejong University, Korea; Main Astronomical Observatory of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Physico-Technical Department, Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan: Institute of Liberal Education, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea)
  13. “Space radiation weather at Mars” Jordanka Semkova (Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgaria)
  14. “Magnetometry of the solar corona” Nataliia Shchukina (Main Astronomical Observatory National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)

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