Webinar for scientists about opportunities of the Web of Science platform.
Category : Архів новин 2017-2016
Dear colleagues!
On February 24 at 10 a.m., we invite to the first overview webinar for scientists about opportunities of the Web of Science platform.
“Introduction to Web of Science: for an hour about the main”:
- Search and the analysis of information in Web of Science Core Collection. A collection of mistakes, which resulted in lack of search results.
- Creation of own card file of articles in the reference-manager of EndNote on-line and execution of publications on a format of a certain edition.
- The analysis of editions by means of Journal Citation Report (impact-factor).
- Author’s ResearcherID and ORCID identifiers – panacea or excess efforts?
The leader – Iryna Tykhonkova, specialist in training Intellectual property and scientific research of Clarivate Analytics.
For participation, it is necessary to be registered then the letter with further instructions will be sent.