Trial access to East View
Category : Архів новин 2017-2016
From 1. 11. 2016 to 30.11.2016 trial access to East View
East View — international company based in Minneapolis (USA). The main area of activity is to render Russian electronic resources. Possible revision of separate numbers, thematic search, search after an author, name of the articles, year of edition, number of magazine, and also maintenance of text of the articles and their unsealing. Databases are filled up every day. As part of your subscription available the following databases:
Aggregated Databases
- Baltics, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine (UDB-EUR)
CIS & Baltic Periodicals (UDB-CIS)
Central Asia and Caucasus (UDB-CAC)
Russian Library and Information Sciences (UDB-LIB)
Russian Social Sciences & Humanities (UDB-EDU)
Ukrainian Publications (UDB-UKR)
Ukrainian Statistical Publications (UDB-STAT-UKR)
- East View E-Books (Demo) (EB-Demo)
Social Movements, Elections, Ephemera
Armenia Parliamentary Election, 2012 (EL-APA12)
Armenia Presidential Election, 2013 (EL-APR13)
Belarus Parliamentary Election, 2012 (EL-BPA12)
Belarus Presidential Election, 2010 (EL-BPR10)
Belarus Presidential Election, 2015 (EL-SCBEL15)
Georgia Parliamentary Election, 2012 (EL-GPA12)
Georgia Presidential Election, 2013 (EL-GPR13)
Kyrgyzstan Parliamentary Election, 2015 (EL-KZP15)
Russia Presidential Election, 2012 (EL-RPR12)
Russia State Duma Election 2011 (EL-RPA11)
South Ossetia Presidential Election, 2011-2012 (EL-SOPR12)
Tajikistan Parliamentary Elections 2015 (EL-TJK15)
Ukraine Parliamentary Election, 2012 (EL-UPA12)
Ukraine Parliamentary Election, 2014 (EL-UPA14)
Ukraine Presidential Election, 2014 (EL-UPR14)