Springer – міжнародна видавнича компанія, що спеціалізується на друці наукових журналів та книг, що охоплюють весь спектр дисциплін від технологічних, медичних до соціальних наук. Публікації представлені в межах трьох платформ: SpringerLink.com, Springer nature.com та Nature Research. На всіх платформах наявний пошук як за тематикою та дисципліною, так і за назвою певного журналу. Інформація оновлюється щоденно, висвітлюючи найновіші здобутки наукового світу.

EBSCOhost – multifunction searching platform that gives possibility of instantaneous access to the world scientific periodicals in an electronic format on different languages. As part of your subscription available the following databases:
Academic Search Premier – multidisciplinary database containing full text for more than 4,600 journals, of which about 3900 titles.
AHFS Consumer Medication Information – reliable source and confessed standard of information are from medicinal facilities for patients, accessible the English and Spanish languages.
Business Source Premier – the most popular database of research in the area of business, which includes full text for more than 2,300 journals and full text articles from more than 1,100 peer-reviewed publications.
ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) providing access to educational publications and resources containing over 1.3 million records.
European Views of the Americas: 1 493 to 1750 – contains the volume index, is intended for libraries, researchers and individual researchers who are interested in European information resources associated with America.
GreenFILE – provides detailed information on all aspects of human influence on the environment. This is a collection of scientific, public and popular works on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewal energy sources, waste recycling and so on.
Health Source – Consumer Edition – includes a variety of health care, such as medical science, nutrition, parenting, sports medicine and general health.
Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition – provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts – database includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometric, online access to information, information management etc ..
MasterFILE Premier – multidisciplinary database designed specifically for public libraries, contains full text for more than 1,700 publications overall orientation, for the period from 1975 to the present, and about 500 directories, 164,400 documents, sources and image collection, numbering 592,000 photo , maps and flags.
MEDLINE – leading database in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, public health, preclinical research and other issues.
Newspaper Source – provides access to the full texts of more than 40 USA newspapers and international newspapers and 389 regional newspapers (USA).
Regional Business News – contains full-text materials more than 80 regional business publications from all major cities and rural areas of the USA.
Teacher Reference Center – contains an index and brief abstracts 280 popular magazines for teachers and administrators of educational establishments..