Terms of use

Terms of use

the Scientific library

Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

  1. General provisions
    • The library is an educational, scientific, informational and cultural enlightenment structural division of the university; it provides a printed works and other information materials, educational, scientific and educate process of the university.
    • Based on the “Model of Rules for Libraries in Higher Education” the Scientific library Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University develops its own terms of use, taking into account specialization of the university, the contingent of users and specifics of their service.
    • Instructions for use the Scientific Library adopted by library methodological council and approved by the head of the university.
    • Funds of the Scientific Library are part of the national reference – information system is under state protection. For the rare and valuable documents, historical collections, unique archives of monuments from the Library, established a special procedure for users, according to current legislation of Ukraine, regulations and instructions governing the use of certain types of documents


  1. Procedure of making users account in the Scientific Library.
    • Right to use the library have students, graduate students, professorial teaching staff and employees of the university department.
    • Right to use a library have students of lyceums, colleges and high schools with a cooperation agreement with the University, 4th courses students of higher educational institutions in Odessa, professorial teaching staff from the other universities, academic staff and public institutions (reading rooms).
    • For the record to the library you must submit passport (for all categories of readers), the certificate of VC (for employees ONU), certificate of graduate school (for graduate students) student card (for students), the request from institutions (for urban readers).
    • Servicing of foreign citizens is based on the Order ONU “About the admission of foreign specialists” number 2514-18 from 09.09.2009.
    • In case of changing place of residence mentioned in the passport, the user must inform the library in a month.
    • On the basis of documents the user is given a key card and filled in an electronic form. For representatives of various companies, organizations and institutions and users of other universities, key card is issued for 3 years with an annual re-registration.
    • At electronic registration and electronic accounting of issuing the documents, barcode deemed equivalent to the user signature.
    • Transfer key-cards to other persons is prohibited.
    • Losing key card does not remove the responsibility for the all literature was taken.
    • In case of losing key card user must declare it to the library, to reimburse its costs in the amount corresponding to the cost of its production, get a duplicate key card.
    • Before recording to the library users should refer to the rules of library use and confirm their commitment to the indispensable performance. Then a key card will be given.
  2. The procedure of the using library resources.

Services for Members of the Scientific Library performed in the presence of the registration document. Order, delivery and return of materials from the library exercised through АБІС based on the personal user form.

To work with rare and valuable editions and with archival funds of SL ONU it is necessary to have a petition from the scientific or educational institution:

  • ONU students and graduate students – by literature before 1830 edition;
  • Urban readers – to the 1945 edition;
  • All categories of readers to work with personal collections and archival funds.

3.2. Users subscription service.

3.2.1. At electronic filing of documents user can control the content of its own electronic form in the presence of a librarian or interactively.

3.2.2. At the request of the user term for using documents may be extended if there is not demand from others.

3.2.3. Educational literature issued on subscription for a semester or an academic year in amount corresponding to the curriculum, programs and capabilities of the libraries.

3.2.4. The scientific literature issued on subscription in an amount of 5 copies for up to 1 month.

3.2.5. Imaginative literature issued not more than 3 copies for 15 days.

3.3. Users service in the reading room

3.3.1. Upon receipt of the literature in the reading room customer gives an elongated key card to the librarian. After literature passing key card must be returned.

3.3.2. Particularly valuable and unique documents, reference books, encyclopedias, dissertations, newspapers, books (up to 1946) books from donations and collections which there is in a single copy issued only in reading rooms.

3.3.3. Rare and valuable editions, albums, atlases, encyclopedias and other reference works and individual copies of the book of increased demand, unpublished materials, books from ancillary funds, publication in electronic form, issued only in the reading rooms.

3.3.4. Customer Service of books published in XVIII-XIX centuries and manuscripts department held in the reading rooms of the library in the presence of the letter of request from the education establishments or with the definition of the purpose and subject of research.

Publication of XVI-XVII centuries issued only for research cooperation for investigation scientist with the staff of the Department of Rare Books of Scientific library provided the conclusion of relevant agreement of scientific establishment with Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.

3.3.5. Do not be copied, scanned, photography:

  • Book monuments to 1945. (According to Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights” of 23.12.93r.)
  • Dissertations and degree works (Art. 41, 54 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Sec. IV Central Committee of Ukraine (Intellectual Property Rights), Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights” of 23.12.93r.).

3.3.6. In issuing and return of documents every copy carefully reviewed by by employees in the presence of the reader. Books, which are in a dilapidated condition, are not given to readers.

3.3.7. Literature, which delivered from the main reading rooms of the libraries can be assigned to user for the necessary term for it. If the readers do not use literature for 3 days, it returns to the stacks.

3.3.8. Remove the book from reading rooms is not allowed. In case of leaving for a long time reader should give ordered books to the librarian.

  1. The rights, duties and responsibilities of the users

User has the right to:

4.1. Readers have the right to temporary use of scientific, educational, artistic, background, methodical literature on buying ski-passes in the reading rooms, in branches and other points of issue literature; to use all kinds of reference services and other services provided by the library.

4.2. To receive the main types of bibliographic and information services provided by the library; bring to the reading rooms not library books and materials needed for educational and scientific work, use own technical facilities and other services, including on a fee basis, according to the list of paid services which determined by library and approved by the leadership of the institution.

4.3. To use all the funds and resources of the library on a subscription and reading rooms. Extend the period of use of documents in the library by established order.

4.4. To get consultation from assistance on mastering the skills of self-reference and library search tools and all kinds of information retrieval systems.

4.5. Participate in activities held by the library.

4.6. Provide for the library practical and sponsorship, make donations, donate books and equipment personally and on behalf of organizations and associations.

4.7. Require the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” confidentiality his concerning data, and the list of documents, which he enjoyed.

4.8. To have access to the information about the work of the library and its resources.

4.9. Serve to the library and administration of the institution’s comments and proposal concerning work of the library.

User is obliged to:

4.10. In case of changing address and other personal information, the user must in time to notify the library about it.

4.11. Upon receipt of the literature user must check its numbers and damage on it, in the case of presence of defects notify the librarian, who is obliged to make at the documents marked accordingly. Otherwise, liability for defects found in the book is on the user.

4.12. Users are required to carefully treat of books and other printed works derived from library collections, return them on time, do not take out literature from the libraries reading room if it is not written at one of the records; do not make there any notes in books, do not pluck up and bend pages; do not removing cards from catalogs and card indexes; do not disrupt the balance of funds which have a public access.

4.13. Users who have lost book from the library fund or causing them irreparable harm should replace them under the same or equivalent recognized by library. The cost of lost or damaged books and other documents determined by the prices listed in the records of the library into account future indexation value of their assets (Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On Libraries and Librarianship”). Replacing of lost or damaged by users literature recorded in a special notebook and confirmed by the signatures of the user and librarian which receiving this replacement.

4.14. At the beginning of every new school year the user must log in, to produce all the literature that was listed behind him and extend (if necessary) use of the term.

4.15. At the summer holidays, students must return to the library books and other received documents.

4.16. Users who have finished university before get their degree, have to fully settle pay with the library and sign a roundabout list.

4.17. Foreign citizens while working with library funds, in the office accommodations on the territory of organizations must be accompanied only with library employee (according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ukraine 19.07.06 number 1000 on “Some aspects of accounting, storage and use of documents, cases, books and other material media containing confidential information held by the state “).

4.18. Users must follow the basic rules of behavior in public places and also observe silence in the library.

User of the Library is responsible for:

4.19. Users, which caused losses for library collections, bear the financial, financial-administrative liability under the laws of Ukraine (Art. 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On Libraries and Librarianship”).

4.20. Users are responsible for unlawful using of created by library databases and other intellectual property under the law.

4.21. For violation of the library using rules reader can be deprived the right to use all points of literature for a term from 3 to 6 months or more.

4.22. For damage of software and hardware users brought to justice in accordance with the law.

  1. Rights and obligations of the library

The library must to:

5.1. To form its funds according to the needs of educational, educational-methodical, scientific-research, cultural-educate work of the university.

5.2. To create the most comfortable conditions for working in the library, introducing modern information technology to meet the needs of readers to assist in the selection of documents and search of information.

5.3. Introduce new automated technology of library services, participate in the creation of regional and national databases and provide its access to users.

5.4. To conduct training for users on mastery of general knowledge of library science and bibliography, information culture and so on.

5.5. Study the information needs and implement operational support of information requests of scientists and students using various forms and methods of individual, group and media.

5.6. With a view to differentiated meet the needs of users, improve library service to conduct market research.

5.7. Do not use personal information about users and their readers’ interests with any purpose and without their consent, except for scientific purposes and organization of library service.

5.8. At the beginning of every year to undergo users re-registration.

5.9. To organize book exhibitions, information days, literary and musical evenings, debates and other library activities.

5.10. Observe proper sanitary conditions. Organize daily cleaning, airing of premises once a month in the reading rooms to spend in the library fund dedusting (cleaning day).

5.11. Coordinate the operation mode of the library with the requirements and mode of operations of higher education institution.

The library has the right to:

5.12. To inform the administration of university about the violations of rules by users.

5.13. Using the library

5.14. Solve issues with the leadership higher educational institutions of actions to repeat infringers of the rules of the library.

5.15. Install contingent of unauthorized users and higher educational institutions to determine the conditions of their service.

5.16. Establish rules for users to obtain information about electronic resources (according to the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights).

5.17. Participate in the creation of specialized, regional and national databases.

5.18. To provide documents for user only after returning still commitments term of use of which expired.

5.19. In 15 days after the expiration the use of the books and other printed works librarian reminding users about the need to return the documents of a specified period. If the user ignores reminder from the library, it submit relevant materials to notary bodies under the law.




February 2025