Distance learning course “Digital Bibliography”
Category : Архів новин 2017-2016
From February 20 to March 6, 2017 the staff of the Scientific Library master the distance learning course “Digital Bibliography”. The organizers and partners, which is distance Academy PG “Osnova”, Korolenko state scientific library with assistance of the Kharkiv regional office (branch) of the Ukrainian library association.
Thematic plan:
- The essence and specifics of the electronic bibliography. The structure of the bibliographic activities in the electronic environment.
- Classification of bibliographic electronic resources
- Bibliographic description of remote access resources (including posts from social networks). Bibliographic reference.
- Generation of bibliographic electronic resources
- Bibliographic service of users. Information socialization, self-service information.
- Virtual exhibition in the library as a bibliographic resource.
- Innovations in the development and promotion of recommendatory bibliographic resources (booktube, funbook, book slam, longread etc.)
- System of preparation of bibliographic electronic resources in Ukraine. Organization and management of bibliographic electronic resources
In more detail according to the reference http://su0.ru/UgQ1