Seminar Web of Science
Category : Архів новин 2017-2016
We invite to participate in seminars for the academic community and representatives of editorial boards of periodicals of the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University:
- “Scientific publications: basic requirements, competitive models on the basis of data of Web of Science” on April 19, 2017 10:00-11:30
- “Possibilities of the Web of Science platform for high-quality scientific research” on April 19, 2017 12:00-13:30
The official representative of the Clarivate Analytics Company in Ukraine holds the seminar Tykhonkova Iryna Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Venue: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 24/26 Frantsuzkyi Blvd, rm. 17 (1st floor, reading room of Scientific Library)