Bondarenko Petro Mykhailovych

Бондаренко Петро Михайлович (1)Bondarenko Petro Mykhailovych (1922-2003)

Was born on June 13, 1922 in the village of Trykraty of Voznesenskyi district of the Mykolaiv region. Participant of World War II. In 1958 graduated with honors from department of history of the Odesa I. I. Mechnikov State University. He worked at the Odesa State University in posts: Chief of educational part (1958-1959), Vice-Rector for administrative and economic part (1959-1961).

The director of Scientific library from 1961 to 1988. In the activity, Petro Mykhailovych aspired to new, was guided by the last requirements in the field of the organization of library science. One of the first in the country the Scientific library of the Odessa university organized the systematic catalog on system of Library and bibliographic classification. Over the years, guidance P. M. Bondarenko has significantly expanded mass, informational, methodological and publishing activity of the Scientific Library. The Museum of the rare book resumed the work. Petro Mykhailovych was an originator and the scientific editor of many bibliographic indexes. He promoted the organization and holding reader’s, scientific and practical conferences, and various cultural and educational actions. The library paid to timely informing readers on new receipts, disclosure of the funds, professional service of faculties and departments of university for satisfaction of demand of their scientific and educational activity much attention. For this purpose, in the 1970th years specialized reading rooms were created: natural sciences, social sciences, the humanities where in open access necessary literature and abstract magazines was presented. The library had a wide range of partners of the international book-exchange, established relations with a number of foreign scientific and educational institutions. Scientists and students visited library not only from other cities of the country, but also from abroad.

In 1976, the Scientific library of the Odessa state university became the methodical center of libraries of higher educational institutions of Odessa.

In 1983, for the purpose of improvement of library and information service of readers, scientific and student’s libraries (with fund in 861 thousand units) were united in uniform structural division of university.

In 1985 – 1987 repairs of the building of library were made; its area due to release of the room from educational audiences and offices which were in the case increased.

In 1987, the reading room of periodicals was open; the monthly library card, which allowed receiving literature on all points of delivery, is entered.

In 1988 – 2001 Petro Mykhailovych continued the activity at a position of the chief bibliographer, being engaged in studying of personalized funds of library.

Died on August 4, 2003. He was buried in Odessa.



February 2025