L.P. Brun

02 (2)Liudvih Pylypovych Brun (1841-1905) was the representative of a well-known dynasty of professors in scientific community – Bruno’s brothers. The eldest of them, Henrikh Karlovich Brun, received invitations to head department of abstract mathematics in Richelieu Lyceum in 1831. The younger brother, Philip Karlovich Brun chose a way of the humanist, having become professor of history in Richelieu Lyceum. Having confirmed with the thesis the professorial rank, he remained professor of general history of historical and philological faculty at the Novorossiysk University. P. K. Brun was considered as the most qualified specialist in historical geography of Northern Black Sea Coast. His son, Liudvih Pylypovych Brun, in 1864 graduated from Richelieu Lyceum. Right after creation of the Novorossiysk University,he goes to work as the assistant to the librarian. In 1872, having left service in library, Liudvih Pylypovych passed into office of university with the secretary from student’s affairs. After the librarian of INU V. M. Shishkovskyi retired, the Board of university asked to find the candidate for his position. Members of the INU: Uspenskyi, Tsehliariv, Lihyn, Peretiatkovych, E. Shtern, Umov, Kononovych and Rishavi recommended the Secretary of Student Affairs. In 1890, Brun headed the University library where he worked until his death (1905). L. P. Brun gave 40 years of life to native university and service to the book. For years of its management, there were large-scale changes in structure of educational institution and library: foundations of medical faculty at the Novorossiysk university, construction of the new building and transition there libraries, reception and registration of the big offered libraries of the prince Vorontsov, the count Stroganov and Shilder, opening at library of special department for storage of rare books etc.



February 2025