Industry sector and problems: Journal publishes articles, brief messages, letters to Editors, and comments containing results of fundamental and applied researches, on the following directions: physical, chemical and other phenomena, as the bases of sensors; sensors design and mathematical modeling; physical sensors; optical and optoelectronic and radiation sensors; acoustoelectronic sensors; chemical sensors; biosensors; nanosensors (physics, materials, technology); sensor materials; sensors production technologies; sensors and information systems; microsystems and nanotechnologies (MST, LIGA-technologies, actuators); sensor’s degradation, metrology and certification.
ISSN 1815-7459 (Print), 2415-3508 (Online)
DOI 10.18524/1815-7459
Certificate of state registration: KV №8131 from 13.11.2003
Edition is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine: physical and mathematical specialties – 104, 105 from 17.03.2020 technical specialties – 171 from 02.07.2020, biological specialties – 091 from 24.09.2020, category «B»
Frequency: quarterly
Founder and Publisher: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Editor-in-Chief: DrSc (Physics and Mathematics) prof. Valentin A. Smyntyna
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: DrSc (Physics and Mathematics) prof. Yaroslav I. Lepikh
Editorial address: 2, Dvoryanskaya Str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine
The magazine is reviewed and indexed in the following databases: Repository at Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University; «Scientific Periodicals Ukraine» Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine; Bibliographic Database «Ukrainika scientific»; Index Copernicus Journals Master List (Poland); Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; Google Scholar; WorldCat; EBSCO (Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate).
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