Established: 1998 (in 2013 the edition was re-registered)
Industry sector and problems: organizational, economic, organizational and legal problems of economics and law development in Ukraine considered in the collection of scientific works. Analysis of dynamics provided in terms of management effectiveness research and priorities of social and economic politics determination for the Ukrainian society during the market transformation period. Analysis of Ukrainian law system’s modern state carried out in the view of valid legal system effectiveness improvement, its correspondence with social needs, scientific achievements and enforcement experience.
ISSN 2413-9998
DOI 10.18524/2413-9998
Certificate of state registration: КВ №19765–9565Р від 15.03.2013 р.
Frequency: 3 times a year
Edition is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine: economical specialties – 051, 073, 075 from 07.05.2019 category «B»
Founder and Publisher: Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Editor in Chief: DrSc (Economics) prof. E. A. Kuznetsov
Editorial address: French boulevard, 24/26, Odesa, 65058, Ukraine
The journal is reviewed and indexed in the following databases: «Наукова періодика України» Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського; «Україніка наукова»; Інституційний репозитарій Одеського національного університету ім. І. І. Мечникова; Index Copernicus Journals Master List (Польща); Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; Google Академія; DOAJ