For freshman

Dear freshmen!

Your reliable assistant in training – ONU Scientific library congratulates you with entering to the university!

Let your constant companion at the study will be a success! And for success, we offer our help in finding relevant literature and mastering the skills of independent work with different information editions – paper and electronic.

How to get sets of books?

On the subscription of scientific, educational and fiction literature (room №7) freshmen receiving sets of books on basic studied disciplines at the first course. Sets formed in accordance with the training programs for each direction.

Dates for return literature!

Educational-methodical literature is given for a semester or an academic year in an amount that corresponds to curriculum and programs.

Monographs given in quantities of five units for one month (with the right to extend).

Fiction literature.

If you like to read fiction literature, we are waiting for you at subscription (room №7), we offer you contemporary world fiction, historical novels and romance, pearls of the world detective.

Fiction literature is given for two weeks in an amount of two units (with the right to extend, if there is no queue).

At time of the summer holidays it is necessary to hand over all obtained on subscription literature.

Pay attention!

Make sure you sign the return sheet which is on the flyleaf of the book.

Only reader is responsible for damaged or lost book .

For getting the educational literature book every freshman-student must to acquire single card as user of the Scientific library, that lets you access all points of issue and informative reading rooms.

Single reader card – this is a personal plastic card with a barcode that contains information about user registration number in the automated library system.


The reader card must be presented during the visit subscriptions and reading rooms of the library.

It is prohibited to transfer your card to other persons.

If the card was lost, please contact with the Accounting Sector (second floor, room №21).

Information reading rooms.

There is open access to the educational-methodological materials and periodicals historical, philosophical, natural and socio-economic area in the reading rooms

WI-FI Zone.

Copy-duplicating services.

Electronic catalog.

For your reference there is electronic catalog, where you can find:

  • books;
  • methodical instructions;
  • reference books;
  • magazines;
  • fiction literature;
  • other publications which are in the library.


At the last day of the month it is sanitary day in the library – readers are not serviced.



March 2025