


«If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it»
© William Thomson

Scientometrics is a discipline that studying the evolution of science through numerous dimension and statistical processing of scientific information (amount of scientific articles published in this period of time, citation, etc.)

Creation Author’s Profile

Why is this necessary?

The main purpose of the author’s profile is a solution to the problem of identification scientists with the identical name and surname. In addition, these platforms allow you to track bibliometric metrics and are a platform for searching as a co-author for joint scientific work.

In turn, research institutions, sponsorship funds, scientific communities and libraries through the author’s profiles can quickly and accurately get actual information about the scientific activities of the scientist.

For Scientists

Where to publish the study?

According to Order №1112 «On the publication of the results of theses for the academic degree of doctor and candidate of sciences» from 17.10.2012 «… on the topic of the thesis for obtaining a scientific … degree must have at least … publications in scientific (including electronic) specialized editions of Ukraine … »

«…not less than … publications in scientific periodicals of other countries on the direction in which the dissertation was prepared. Such publications can be equated with publications in Ukrainian editions, included in international scientometric databases. »

Scientific periodicals of Ukraine in scientometric databases:

Odesa National University is a publisher of scientific periodicals in the different directions

Odessa National University in Scientometrics Database

University of National and World Rankings

Webometrics Ranking Of World’s Universities – is one of the world’s universities rankings, which analyzes the degree of representation of universities in the Internet space. Webometrics Ranking is compiled based on the analysis of the four criteria: PRESENCE (20%), IMPACT (50%), OPENNESS (15%), EXCELLENCE (15%).

Rating Universities in Terms of Scopus. The rating results of higher education institutions based on the Scopus database, which is a tool for tracking the citation of scientific articles published by employees of the educational institution

Rating universities in Ukraine III, IV levels of accreditation ТОP-200 UKRAINE. The methodology of the ranking is built in accordance with international principles of university ranking and provides a comparative analysis of the achievements of universities of different types based on some universal criteria, in particular the quality of scientific and pedagogical potential, quality of education and international recognition.

Consolidated Rating of Ukrainian Universities is compiled by the educational resource “”. The initial data for the ranking used by the most authoritative among the experts and the media, national and international rankings of universities in Ukraine “ТОP-200 Ukraine”, “Scopus” and “Webometrics”

Title rating

Rating position of ONU by year

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020



Webometrics Ranking Of World’s Universities

in Ukraine

16 14 10 10 6 9 6 7 34
in the world 3074 2844 2101 2365 2510 3102 2640 2536



Rating Universities in Terms of Scopus

4 4 4 4  5  5 5 5 4


2305 2457 2508 2670  2780  3296 3454 3673 3916
Citations 8251 9732 10490 12091  14029  17490 20227 22754


h-index 38 42 44 46  50  53 60 62



Consolidated Rating of Ukrainian Universities

among the universities of Odessa

1 1 1  1  1 1 1 1

among the classical universities of Ukraine

4 4 4 5  6 6 6


in the general rating of universities in Ukraine 7 7 7  8  9 8 8


4 ТОP-200 UKRAINE 20 19 18 17  17  18 16 18


Useful materials

Recordings of webinars on Brighttalk and Youtube platforms

Scopus and ScienceDirect databases:

Web of Science database:

Materials of trainings which were spent in in Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University:

The training “Picking journals for reading and publishing a scientific article with the help of Scopus” (Odesa, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 23.04.19), conducted by Elsevier’s coach Serhii Nazarovets.

The main issues of the training were the criteria for choice and search of journals in Scopus; creating notices and collections of journals for reading at Scopus; journal metrics: CiteScore, SJR, SNIP, quartiles and percentiles; usage of bibliographic manager Mendeley

Seminar «Public activity of a scientist and institution: strategy, implementation, evaluation» (Odesa, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 03.07.18), conducted by Iryna Tykhonkova (PhD (Biology), expert on information and analytical resources and Web of Science training).

On the seminar were discussed next questions:

  • the selection of high-quality scientific literature;
  • the search for partners and grants;
  • the choice of periodical for publication;
  • the design of the publication and presentation of scientific works in the author profiles using the tools of Clarivate Analytics.

There is also a separate block of preventions of publications in predatory periodicals, and recommendations on avoiding fraudsters.

Seminar «Possibilities of Web of Science for qualitative research» (Odesa, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 07.06.16), conducted Iryna Tykhonkova (PhD, Customer Education Specialist Thomson Reuters).

Training «How to be published in international peer-reviewed journals» (Odesa, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 04.04.16), was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Fulbright Ukraine.



March 2025