Tiunieieva Oleksandra Mykolaivna


Tiunieieva Oleksandra Mykolaivna (1884-1984) – outstanding bibliologist and library scientists. She studied at the Odessa Art School and graduated from the St. Petersburg Women’s pedagogical courses (1910). Since 1919, her life has been connected with the Odessa City Public Library. She became an organizer of one of the first in the USSR Museum of the book, which has become an original center for the study of problems of book science. Tiunieieva conducted business and scientific correspondence with domestic and foreign bibliologists (O. I. Malein, V. Ya. Adariukov, M. P. Likhachov, S. P. Zdanevych and others). Oleksandra Mykolaivna published the researches in the Soviet and European periodicals. In 1929 in Odesa, an inspection of the museums and libraries for the purpose of detection and withdrawal of archival materials of “not Soviet” contents was carried out. O. M. Tiunieieva was dismissed with the prohibition of work in all Soviet and public institutions.

In the years of wanderings the researcher continues work over the thesis “The museum of the book: Materials to a question (inclusive for 1932)” which could not protect publishes articles, in particular, “The museums of the book in Western Europe” (1930). During World War II, on February 1, 1942 it was appointed the director of the Odessa public scientific library of Horkyi to which subordinated University library on Preobrazhenska St., having made it the subscription. One of the oldest workers of library – Tamara Zakhirivna Khodzhash (1888-1965), headed the subscription. Together with a small group of employees, they have done anything to save the library. From O. M. Tiunieieva’s memoirs to interfere with mass export of books, librarians resorted to cunning: scattered the book catalog and put in boxes in a chaotic order; “behind the strictest order on the most valuable funds of Vorontsov and Stroganov libraries it was not mentioned, their catalogs are hidden, funds were secret and, thus, are saved…” Employees of library worked at night, watching that fascists did not bring min. After war, in 1947 Oleksandra Mykolaivna was again discharged. Unfortunately, the Odessa City Public Library, she has not returned. However, despite the cautious attitude to Tiunieieva administrative circles, experts paid tribute to her significant contribution to the bibliographic, business.




March 2025