University, according to the results of the competition, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science, received state budget access to the platform of Web of Science
Category : Архів новин 2017-2016
Congratulations, your institution, on the basis of the results of the competition, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science, received state budget access to the Web of Science platform.
In order to use the platform as efficiently as possible, we invite you to inform the staff of your institution about a special event on the occasion of the start of cooperation between the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine and Clarivate Analytics and the opening of platform access agencies. The webinar is scheduled for October 12, 2017, 15:00.
Topic: The capabilities of the Web of Science platform for a scientist, teacher, administrator
Abstracts: Search and analysis of information in the Web of Science Core Collection. Major mistakes that may lead to a lack of search results. Creating your own index card for the EndNote on-line referencing manager and publishing a publication in the format of a particular edition. Analysis of publications using Journal Citation Report. Author Identifiers: ResearcherID and ORCID.
Duration: 1 hour
Language: Ukrainian
Speaker: Ph.D. Tihonkova Irina
Participation Procedure: You need to sign up for the https://thomsonreuters.webex.com/thomsonreuters/k2/j.php?MTID=t9398b5f9c50ec598c7093579ae003c5c link after which you will receive a hyperlink for which you need to go 10 minutes before the start of the webinar. Webex will download, sound will be set up, make sure your computer is equipped with speakers or has the ability to broadcast audio. Note that WebeX no longer supports XP operating system. Find the opportunity to browse the webinar on a computer with another operating system. Some institutions have successfully practiced collective reviews in libraries or conference halls.
Waiting for the webinar!