Category : Архів новин 2017-2016
On March 24 at 10 a.m. will be a webinar “How to write and publish a good article?”
When and why write? Types of scientific publications. Structure of the article. Important elements. Standard errors. Framed of the manuscript. Submission of the article. Reviewing. What can I do with my publication?
The lecturer – Iryna Tykhonkova, specialist in training Intellectual property and scientific research of Clarivate Analytics.
For participation, it is necessary to be registered then the letter with further instructions will be sent.
Replay and recording on March 28 at 4 p.m.: https://thomsonreuters.webex.com/thomsonreuters/k2/j.php?MTID=tc72decfb22f853ba715fded5c2ae7cec